A Film Collective creating films with unique directorial visions

“Tiong Bahru Social Club is a visually thrilling comedy with a delicate touch. Never a futuristic dystopia has been so heartwarming.”
– Asian Movie Pulse on TIONG BAHRU SOCIAL CLUB
“The mutability of territory is embedded in the very title of Yeo Siew Hua’s A Land Imagined, winner of the festival’s top prize, the Golden Leopard, which was awarded by an international competition jury led by Jia Zhangke. The film takes on the issues of land reclamation and migrant labor in Singapore via an oneiric blend of detective genre convolutions and male melodrama intimacies. Cinematographer Hideho Urata lends the film’s night scenes the lurid neon-noir aesthetics of Miami Vice, and editor (and great filmmaker in his own right) Daniel Hui delicately maintains the film’s balance between its serpentine plotline and understated political commentary.”
– Artforum on A LAND IMAGINED
“Shot in English and Mandarin and spiked with offbeat humor that sweetens its dark thoughts, the Berlinale Forum title is quite the trip for those who get into it. Although a hallucinatory journey into the psychic well is not for everyone, those willing to dip into experimental cinema will probably hang on to the dazzling, mythical ending.... Hui, who has made a name for himself on the festival circuit for his innovative films with a strong social and political bent, has an idiosyncratic approach to storytelling verging on experimental kitsch. The cinematography of Looi Wan Ping is as merrily schizo as the story, switching from clashing colors to black-and-white, and a bit of Super 8 seems to be thrown in. The unnatural color grading is simply extraordinary. A big role in producing the lingering feeling of constant anxiety is played by the sound effects, which seem to have no source."
– The Hollywood Reporter on DEMONS